Welcome to Vollmers

At Vollmers you'll get a slice of history with the menu. You dine with silver cutlery that comes from our family's first roadside inn and you partake of our childhood favourites along the way. An immersion in Skåne's surroundings where the seasons and memories are reflected on the plate. But everything we have today, we have thanks to a haberdashery.

original picture of Bertha

Our history

In 1920, our great-grandfather Ebbe and great-grandmother Bertha Vollmer came from Germany to Malmö, where they started a haberdashery that quickly became the city's most reputable.

One day Ebbe was seriously injured in a train accident and Bertha realized that it was up to her to provide for the family. With money from the haberdashery, she started what became Vollmer's restaurant empire, with several restaurants and castles in Scania.

Bertha med familj

Bertha, Bertil, and Ebbe.

When Bertha passed away, her three children inherited the restaurants. Our grandfather took over Ugglarp's traveller's inn.

Every Sunday we had dinner together. If we didn't sit straight, or if we had our elbows on the table, grandma came and stabbed us with a fork. Yes, it's the same silver forks that we now set our tables with.

But of course you get to sit however you like.

Dekorativ maträtt

Our menu reflects our Scanian traditions and memories as much as our imagination and desire to innovate. We create from what grows around us when it is in season. Because that's when the produce has the most vitality and tastes at its very best.

Thanks to our heritage, we can now create new Scanian food history. And that's why the clothes hanger from the haberdashery today symbolizes restaurant Vollmers.

Ebbe och Mats

When you sit with us, we want you to feel at home: just as at home as we do around the dinner table with our family.

Welcome to Vollmers, Mats & Ebbe Vollmer.